How tanning lotion can help with a good tan?

“Nobody has to sell you on the use of tanning lotion. You already know that it is important to use tanning lotion to get a better tan at a faster rate with less risk of damage from the sun. And you might even know that using tanning lotion has a number of additional benefits such as moisturizing your skin to act as an anti-aging agent. But that doesn’t mean that you know everything that there is to know about tanning lotion. Many people know that they need to use the product but are confused about the details, such as how much tanning lotion to use and what kind of tanning lotion to use. And one of the most commonly asked questions about tanning lotion is when to use it.

Here are the basics that you should know about when to use tanning lotion:

  • Before you tan. Tanning lotion helps to even out the tan and speed up to process of tanning so you should apply it before you tan. How much before depends on your tanning lotion and your tanning habits. Read the instructions on your tanning lotion and talk with someone at your salon to figure out how soon before your tan to apply the lotion.

For more information about  tanning lotion and skin tanningn click here

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